Saturday 4 June 2016

Busy Week (part two)


Wednesday was the quietest day of the week. A charity symposium was how I spent most of my day before heading over to Yentes for food, beers, and Netflix. We ended up watching Jane the Virgin for some light entertainment, becoming instantly hooked after the first episode. We loved it so much! It was cheesy, scandalous, funny, emotional... if you liked Ugly Betty, you will love this. 

It was 3am when we reluctantly went to bed after binge watching six episodes. 


Thursday was a little more productive. I was moving out of my studio, so I was packing up all the little bits and bobs into boxes before disassembling furniture the next day. Luckily, I had my mum and aunt there to help me out.

A couple of hours later we had worked up an appetite. An appetite for fried food. Nearby, there is a fried food restaurant that sells the best Krokets (a dutch delicacy). We devoured them. 

I went to Yentes, again, to watch one episode of Jane the Virgin to calm me down before my Dutch exam (I had nothing to worry about in the end, I achieved a 9 out of 10!). Although I did not know my result at this point, I felt good about the exam and decided on another premature celebration. This can only mean one thing... cocktails at the Havana!

A couple of cocktails later and we were ready to dance! Coincidentally we bumped into some friends from University who also had the same idea. We joined forces and danced to salsa music for most of the night at Cul de saq, a really cool bar that transports you to a tropical holiday resort. 


Staying out so late wasn't the smartest idea as I needed my energy to break down and move furniture around. Again, fried food was our fuel and I was more useful after that.

To celebrate the move I went over to my friend Rebekkas house, and soon to be my house (I will be moving into her room in August), to bake cookies for our friend Charlotte's birthday. Me and Rebekka were meant hang out after but I was so so tired from the night before that I crashed on her bed and slept the whole night through.

cookie dough
I realise now after writing this that the second half of my week, although super busy, isn't exactly riveting because the move took up most of that time. Even so, I hope you liked this really late post of my week. I'll try and be more organised in the weeks to come.


1 comment:

  1. I should have come to visit you at your studio! Silly me! I'll have to add this series to my watch list and congrats on doing so well in your Dutch exam! :) xx
