Saturday 28 May 2016

Busy Week (part one)

This week has been so busy! It was my final week at University, a process I am struggling with as I will miss it so so much. Therefore, I decided to make the most of it and fill it with as many fun activities with friends as I could in the time that I had left. Because of this I have not had time to write the blog and this post will be in two parts. I hope you enjoy it! 

The day started off with a trip to Starbucks. We have one located on the University Campus which is great for my taste buds, and lethal for my wallet. Me and my friend Yente had a round of coffees with our lunch and had a fascinating conversation about the biological differences between men and women, and if there actually are differences of if we only believe that there are because of the gender roles we are meant to fit in to. She's great to have these discussions with because she tries to see things from all perspectives, so we never really found a conclusion but we had fun trying. 

I then went to the Common Room to do some work. Later, my friend Sarah came to meet me and we went and also got Starbucks (I told you it was lethal!). I read my book, Vagina: A New Biography, for the Banging Book Club (and also the source of me and Yente's feminist conversations) while Sarah watched Disney's Beauty and the Beast.

I had to leave Sarah at 5 o clock to go bake Coca Cola Cupcakes with Johanna. We are both in the Last Lecture committee and we wanted to thank our Committee head for all her hard work. They turned out really well, although I have to admit they didn't really taste of Coca Cola.

After I returned to the company of Yente. Our friend Anastasia joined us to watch Game of Thrones with a feast we had prepared. It was a very emotional episode so we were very to have comfort food on hand. When it was over we watched a ton of Game of Thrones theory video before we eventually went to bed.

The next morning, we continued to watch Game of Thrones Youtube videos with a brunch Yente had kindly made for us. She filled us up with omelettes, falafel, bread, fruit and yoghurt. 

I left for class after only to find out it had been cancelled, so me and Sarah (who does the same course) went for coffee again. This time it was at the Esplanade, the main bar at the university, instead of Starbucks. 

We had a nice chat about the differences between a Basilisk and a Cockatrice (a Basilisk is an egg from a toad or serpent hatched by a cockerel, and a Cockatrice is an egg from a cockerel hatched by a toad or serpent). Then I met up with Yente (we can't stay away from each other!) to get our hair done together. We went to my favourite hairdressers, Cosmo, to have our hair cut and coloured. I went a darker blonde, she went a lighter blonde and we both got it cut shorter. We felt pretty fabulous when it was done.

Next I had to rush to University, as the Last Lecture Committee had our final event for the year. We organise events called 'Last Lectures' where we invite speakers to present their final words, lessons, insights, etc as if this would be the last lecture they would ever give. We had organised three this year so we were really proud ourselves! After each lecture, free drinks are provided so we had a couple of those in the Esplanade to celebrate, with the cupcakes me and Johanna had made. Sammi, the head, loved them!

We stayed at Esplanade for most of the night, chatting with people from other committees. At the end of the night, Yente came back to mine for a sleepover (she is very present in this busy week). That's the first half of my busy week done with, the next half will be up soon!


1 comment:

  1. Ohhh it's so sad that you've finally finished! It sounds like you're making the most of it! And how the hell did you sleep with all that coffee haha! :) xx
