Friday 13 May 2016

Cocktails and the Theatre

Last night was meant to be a short theatre play and then back to bed. But on the way back home, me and my friend thought we would just pop into this cocktail bar and stay for one drink... I think most people know where this is going.

I will first talk about the theatre before I talk about the cocktail escalation. My friend had bought us two tickets to see a Dutch comedy play the day before, first to improve my Dutch (my oral exam is next week) and second to support her friend. I'm always skeptical about small theatre productions due to some bad experiences where I kind of cringe all the way through, trying to control my laughter. There was a particular performance that started this fear, a Tempest play where Ariel was played by a man in a thong (and nothing else!) who had been spray-painted silver. It might be a sign of immaturity, but I challenge anyone to take a play seriously when you have bare, silver bottom right up in your face... did I mention I was in the front row? Anyway, I had my doubts as I entered the theatre but I was I wrong to do so. The play was brilliant! It was really, really funny and well acted, and I could even follow the Dutch for most of the play. Also the actors did a dance number while dressed up as various fruits!

After the performance we stopped off in Tilburg to grab one drink. We went to Havana, a wonderful cocktail place that apparently was the place to be, although I had never heard of it in my four years of living in Tilburg. I now understand why it is so popular! The cocktails were beautifully presented and super delicious! After the our first cocktails (I had a Blueberry Lavender and my friend had a June Bug) we were already a little merry and I think it was this mood that led us to getting two more and some snacks.

We ordered some Spanish cheese, Twister Fries, a Rum Runner and a Lieutenant.  As it was Tiki Thursday, they came in these really cool glasses, and with the hot weather we have been having recently, it did feel like we were on holiday at that point. After two cocktails we had become more than merry and started inviting anyone we were messaging at that point. Luckily only two out of those many came, and we ended the night talking nonsense (the best kinds of conversations in my opinion) with them. All in all I learnt that I should not be so fearful of small theatre productions, and that I should know by now that only one drink will never lead to an early night in bed. 


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you've decided to blog! I love reading it, and I love the way you write! It sounds like you're having such an amazing time :) xx
